"In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation."
Morning - Period between midnight and noon. Time when many awake for the day. Hear - To be aware of; to know the existence of. Voice - Ability to speak; a particular opinion or attitude expressed. Lay - Put down especially gently or carefully. Requests -Things that are asked for. Before - In front of. Wait - Stay where one is or delay action until something else happens. Expectation - A strong belief that something will happen. When I awake for the day, O Lord, you are aware of my opinion or attitude that I am expressing. When I awake for the day I gently put down things I am asking for in front of you and stay where I am or delay action in the strong belief that something will happen.
Psalm 62:6
"He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will not be shaken."
Alone - No one else; only one Rock - Solid material, someone extremely strong and reliable Salvation - Deliverance from harm. Fortress - Strong place, person not able to be influenced by outside forces. Shaken - Tremble, move, get rid of, weaken, cause a change of mood. He (God) only and no one else is someone extremely strong and I can rely on Him and he will deliver me from harm; He is my strong place, He is not influenced by things around me and I won't move or weaken.
John 15:16
" You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit - fruit that will last"
Choose/Chose - Pick out or select someone as being the best or most appropriate of two or more alternatives. Appointed - Decided on beforehand. Designated. Assign a job or role to someone. Bear fruit - Yield positive results. Last - Endure I did not pick out Jesus, but He picked me as being the best or most appropriate person and assigned a job to me. I am to yield positive results (tell others of Him). Results that will last. If the people I tell about Jesus will believe in Him, they will live forever in Heaven.