It is not that we love Him first, or are so smart as to find Him first; rather, He loves us first (and best); and He finds us (right where we are). When we come to know that love, all we want to do is love Him back.
We love the Bible:
Through the Bible we find out how much God loves us. God gave us the Bible so we could know about Him, and then, hopefully, come to know Him personally. The Bible is an invitation to come to Him and live with Him at His house forever. We are thankful for the Bible. We maintain the New Testament as our only creed!
We love you:
You are the apple of God’s eye. He is crazy about you! He wants you to come to His house and live with Him forever! He paid an incredible price so you can! That crazy love is contagious. As His love rubs off on us, we can't help but love you too! A warm hug is waiting for you!
Founded by people who were searching for something more than religion – something more than just going through the motions. They were looking to really know and walk with God. From that rich heritage to today we are a group of people who seek a real and vital relationship with God and a honest and open relationship with each other. We find the challenge of walking with Him, discovering His will, and growing up in Him an exciting and joyful adventure, that is best shared together! We are learning that God has a place and purpose for each one of us. A place where we can know Him, find true purpose, and grow together. All we are missing is you!